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30 September 2024

When is the best and most profitable time to buy an apartment

You can save money when buying real estate abroad not only on hot offers or promotions from construction companies. The cost of housing changes throughout the year up and down, which is determined by a number of parameters, for example, the season.

In our publication, we tell you how apartment prices change in different seasons and months of the year, what determines the cost and when you can buy real estate with the greatest benefit.

Temporary factors that affect the cost of an apartment

Housing prices are determined by both permanent and temporary factors. The combination of these characteristics and parameters forms the final cost of the property.

Permanent factors include:

  1. Number of floors. Often, apartments on the first and top floors are cheaper than apartments on the middle levels. But if we are talking, for example, about penthouses with gorgeous views, a private terrace, a lounge area, high ceilings, then the price of such elite property is always an order of magnitude higher.
  2. Location. Basically, this is the key characteristic in pricing.
  3. Area and number of rooms. The larger the apartment, the more expensive the property.
  4. Layout solutions. If the layout provides for several bathrooms, there is a dressing room and other "smart" solutions, then this will definitely affect the cost of housing.
  5. Status and concept of the residential complex. Apartments located in the eco-zone near parks, ponds, by the sea are justifiably more expensive than options in the depths of standard residential development, and the "economy" segment will always be cheaper than "comfort class".

Among the temporary factors influencing the price of real estate:

  • Purchasing power and demand: the more buyers wishing to purchase housing, the higher its cost.
  • Number of offers for sale on the market: if there are enough properties, then prices are often lower, and sellers make concessions, trying to quickly conclude a purchase and sale transaction.
  • Terms of sale: programs such as mortgage lending and installment payments from the developer on favorable terms for investors increase the demand for real estate, and also form its value.
  • Growth and decline cycles of the housing market: if the national currency unstable, the dollar and euro exchange rates are rising, then the cost of construction naturally rises, and therefore real estate. The real estate market of all countries is also affected by the economic situation and related processes - inflation, interest rates. During periods of increased demand, the cost of housing rises, which makes its acquisition less attractive. When prices fall, this opens up opportunities for investors to acquire high-quality and even exclusive real estate at very attractive prices.
  • Activity of sellers and investors:in this case, we are talking about changes in the cost of housing in different seasons of the year, which correlates with the situation on the market.

What time of year is best to buy an apartment?

When is the best time to buy an apartment - an important question that investors ask themselves. When choosing a season for buying real estate, you should rely on priorities, cost and variety of options available on the market.

Favorable periods in terms of buying housing can last quite a long time, but they have both pros and cons. For example, every six months, construction companies close the sales plan, and at this time, apartments become somewhat cheaper. However, if you start looking for housing at the beginning of the first half of the year, then there are often always more liquid offers.

Let's figure out in detail how the cost of apartments changes during different seasons of the year.


In the spring, the real estate market begins to revive. The thing is that many developers plan to put new residential complexes into operation during this period of the year. The cost of properties is gradually growing, the number of offers increases both on the secondary market and in new buildings. Housing prices continue to rise until the end of spring, as does the number of properties for sale.

A large selection of housing in the spring allows investors to choose the option that best meets their needs in terms of characteristics.

The main advantage of buying real estate in the spring is a large selection of various properties. The disadvantage is the rise in prices. However, most experts agree that spring is the most favorable period for purchasing an apartment if cost is not a decisive factor.


Summer is the low season for buying housing, due to the fact that vacation time is coming. Along with demand, the cost of apartments also decreases. At the beginning of summer, you can still find good options at affordable prices.

An undeniable advantage of buying real estate in the summer is minimal competition, against which investors have access to properties with different characteristics at an affordable price. And in the summer it is most convenient to move to a new place of residence. The downside of buying is that there are fewer offers than in the spring.


Autumn is the time of year when there is an increased demand for real estate in most countries. Potential investors return from vacation and with renewed vigor begin to make plans for the future. Including regarding the purchase of housing.

The most liquid properties are sold already in September and their number is rapidly decreasing every month. The construction of residential complexes is gradually coming to an end, due to which new interesting offers appear on sale. Healthy competition in the market forms a higher price, but despite this, investors buy apartments in order to have time to close important deals before the end of the year.

Autumn is one of the most active seasons for both buyers and sellers. Also, it is in the fall that developers plan sales in honor of "Black Friday".

The advantage of buying real estate in the fall is a large selection and the opportunity to get a discount. The disadvantage is an increase in prices and high competition between buyers due to the excess of demand over supply.


Winter is the most suitable time of year for a profitable purchase of property.

The thing is that it is in winter that the so-called "dead" season begins, during which the cost of housing decreases due to low demand. During this period, buyers can choose good real estate and count on a discount.

There is a complete lull before the New Year holidays. You can start looking for an apartment already during the Christmas holidays - there are options on both the primary and secondary markets. Construction companies generally suspend construction work and, in order not to lose profit, sell unsold properties from the previous season.

The advantage of buying a home in winter is a favorable price. The conditional disadvantage is that if you plan to move into your new apartment immediately, it will not be as convenient to do so as, for example, in the summer. In addition, the market will most likely not have the same extensive pool of offers as in the fall.

So what season of the year is best and most profitable to buy an apartment? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since you need to take into account the individual goals and objectives of the purchase, the budget.

To summarize briefly, from the financial side, the most profitable seasons are winter and summer. But from the point of view of the assortment, the second half of winter is not the best time. With regard to new buildings, the end of the quarter is important for a profitable purchase of apartments, when developers offer bonuses and discounts to close the sales plan.

What month is the best time to buy an apartment

When is the best time to buy real estate depends not only on the season, but also on the month of the year. Let's figure out how things are on the housing market by month below.


January is a good time for a profitable purchase of housing. It is better to buy an apartment in the middle of winter, since against the background of total buyer "hibernation", both sellers and developers reduce prices.


In February, the lull continues among both sellers and buyers. The time for active construction has not yet come, there are fewer ready-made offers in the range of construction companies compared to last year.

At the beginning of February, against the background of low purchasing power, the lowest prices are for economy class apartments. But closer to the end of the month, there are fewer and fewer "last minute" offers and discounts, as demand begins to gradually recover.


In March, there is some revival in the real estate market. Cheap apartments can still be found, but the growing imbalance between supply and demand is stimulating a gradual rise in prices.


In April, there are more offers on the real estate market. At the same time, the cost of properties does not fall. The price tag grows approximately until the middle of the month. Due to the fact that the season of active repair work begins in late spring and summer, buyers are ready to buy housing without finishing.


In May, the market experiences a peak in sales. During this period, families with children most often buy apartments, trying to resolve all their housing issues before the new school year. In addition, in May, compared to other months, the demand for luxury real estate increases noticeably.


The beginning of summer is marked by a slight drop in activity on the housing market. Parents are busy with issues of their children's graduation from school and their admission to universities, some go on vacation with the whole family.

In general, in June in some countries, apartment prices fall slightly. The main reason is that on the eve of summer, there is less and less desire to solve serious issues, which means that sellers are ready to bargain.


Low demand in July is gradually reviving. In anticipation of the autumn rise in prices, buyers are ready to conclude purchase and sale transactions. But at the same time, there is still time for a detailed study of the properties presented on the market. In contrast to the acceptable cost, the number of liquid options is decreasing, so finding suitable housing may be more difficult.


August is called the month of calm before the start of the active season on the housing market in different countries. At the end of summer, the least number of apartments are bought, against which background good bargaining and obtaining better sales conditions are possible. The choice of real estate with different parameters is decreasing.


A new business season starts in September, both sellers and buyers return to the market from vacation. Construction companies introduce new properties for sale. Real estate prices are growing with the return of demand, but properties are still affordable for many investors.


October is the most active month on the housing market. In mid-autumn, as a rule, the largest number of transactions are concluded, a large number of diverse offers appear, and the price tag can be higher than in September. But against the background of a large pool of offers, buyers have good prospects for bargaining.


In November, the last active month of the season, preparations are underway for the winter recession. Large transactions are being completed, you can find both cheaper apartments compared to the beginning of autumn, and bargain. Developers are launching special offers at very attractive prices.


At the beginning of December, there is a short-term rush on the market: sellers want to sell their properties, and some buyers plan to spend the New Year holidays in their new apartments. During this month, investors can count on pre-holiday discounts on apartments.

In conclusion, we note that the most suitable month for a profitable purchase of housing is often determined by the characteristics of a particular country and region. However, if you rely on general trends, you can single out two months when prices for primary and secondary housing are usually the cheapest:

— January, when demand and economic activity decline after the New Year holidays.

— July, when in the midst of the holiday season, interest in real estate falls against the backdrop of other priorities.


Is it possible to buy an apartment in May?

Yes, the housing market becomes more active in the spring. It is in May that demand for real estate increases significantly, so you shouldn't count on too low prices.

When is it better to buy an apartment: in winter or in summer?

The most attractive prices for real estate can most often be found in winter. During this period, there is a decline in buyer interest, and many developers and sellers seek to quickly sell their properties in order to receive funds and start new projects.

Recommendations for choosing the best season

The main condition for successfully purchasing an apartment is think through all possible aspects in advance: budget, location, goals and season.

When choosing the most favorable time of year to buy real estate, we recommend:

  • Consider general market trends, the economic situation and the characteristics of the region.
  • Pay attention to periods of reduced purchasing activity and special offers from developers, which will help save on the purchase of real estate.
  • You should not rely solely on seasonal discounts, since in some countries such factors have virtually no effect on the price per square meter.
  • If you are looking for real estate to live in, it is best to focus on the presence of a large number of offers on the market, which is observed in the spring and autumn. It is at this time that you can choose housing that best meets your expectations.
  • As for purchasing a private house on your own plot, the best time is the warm season. According to statistics, a surge in sales is observed in the spring. But against this background, villas and cottages may become slightly more expensive.
  • You shouldn't put off buying real estate from a developer until better times. Many companies today are meeting investors halfway and offering favorable conditions: low prices at the initial stage of construction and interest-free payment installments.
  • Traditionally, developers hold New Year sales in December. But keep in mind that not all companies have such promotions that are profitable. For example, at the end of the year, developers try to sell off the most illiquid options.

According to industry experts, attractive prices for quality real estate can be "caught" in any season of the year. The main condition is to clearly define the goal and seek help from specialists in the person of an experienced real estate agency.

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